Project Overview
With the increasing scale of communication networks, failures (e.g. link failures) are becoming the norm rather than the exception. Given the critical role such networks play for our digital society, it is important to ensure a reliable and efficient operation of such networks, even in the presence of one or multiple failures.
While several interesting automated approaches to verify and operate networks are emerging, providing an attractive alternative to today’s pragmatic and manual “fix it when it breaks” approach, existing solutions often only provide limited and inefficient support for reasoning about failure scenarios. In particular, many of these solutions essentially require to test each possible failure scenario one-by-one.

In the WHATIF project, funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) under grant number ICT19-045, we design faster mechanisms for the logical and quantitative what-if analysis of dependable communication networks. The project is led by the University of Vienna, Austria, and executed in collaboration with Aalborg University, Denmark.
We contributed an invited blog article to the NetVerify.Fun platform:
Stefan Schmid gives an interview on dependable networks at ZeroOutage….
We are hiring!
Fully funded PhD position in formal methods and algorithms. ….